Tuesday 13 December 2011

History in Education: dispersed data delivery in action

I'm delighted to be able to draw attention to the data collection of the History in Education project, recently concluded at the IHR. The project investigated the major curricular changes in history over the last century, and also the changing experience of history at the chalkface in English state schools.

It is another successful example of a research project within the School of Advanced Study using SAS-Space as a solution for their needs in data management and preservation, whilst maintaining their own distinct web presence which draws content from SAS-Space as it needs it. The collection of interviews and digitised samples of schoolwork can be accessed in two ways. Users of the project site can access the data using a browse interface tailored to the project. Users of SAS-Space can access the whole collection directly, and may also stumble upon data from the project whilst searching SAS-Space for something else.

Another example of this dispersed model is the Francophone Music Criticism project, whose data is similarly held in SAS-Space, but also accessed from the project's own search engine.

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